Escondido-based Product Design Company Announces Encouraging Study Results in Clinical Trial Performed by NeuroEM Therapeutics
Escondido, CA -- For Immediate Release -- Left Coast Engineering has developed a wearable device under contract to NeuroEM Therapeutics (Phoenix, AZ) that provides electromagnetic wave treatment to the entire forebrain.  Two months of daily treatment reversed cognitive impairment of Alzheimer's disease by apparently affecting the disease process itself by eliminating its root cause.
A study co-authored by Left Coast Engineering's President Rob Baranowski was published this week in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease following a recent Western IRB clinical trial of the treatment protocol.  The clinical trial concluded last December and focused on the safety and initial efficacy of what NeuroEM calls “Transcranial Electromagnetic Treatment” (TEMT), using the LCE-designed noninvasive, easy- to-wear device: the MemorEM.   
In a study performed at the renowned University of South Florida/Byrd Alzheimer’s Institute, after just two months of in-home use, one hour/twice a day, the average memory decline in 88% of patients with mild to moderate AD was reversed back to their better cognitive levels of a year earlier.  The study also indicates that, at least for the study’s 2-month treatment period, TEMT was safe in all eight participating patients.
At the end of the two-month study, none of the patients wanted to give their MemorEM devices back, resulting in a 4-month extension study with the University of South Florida/Byrd Alzheimer’s Institute.   That extension study is happening now with plans forthcoming for a larger study of 150 patients in 2020.
For full release, click here.